Engystol has been shown to support the immune system and reduce severity and duration of symptoms in viral Injections, particularly in the early stages of colds and influenza-like illnesses.
Engystol Injection Advantages:
- Strengthen the natural immune response in cases of viral infection
- Reduce recovery times and reduce the severity of cold and flu symptoms
- Patients who received Engystol Rx injection stayed healthy almost twice as long as those that did not
Patient with the following symptoms may benefit from Engystol Rx injection solution:
- Viral infection such as a cold and flu
- Patients who might be more susceptible to viral injections
- Patients who are on multiple medication – No known drug-drug interaction
Additional information:
Research has shown Engystol activity against viruses, such as influenza, Epstein Bar virus (EBV), adenovirus Type 5, Herpes Simplex Virus type 1 (HSV-1) and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV).