What is inflammation?
What is inflammation?
Inflammation is a defense mechanism in the body. The immune system recognizes damaged cells, irritants, and pathogens, and it begins the healing process. Inflammation is part of the body’s immune response.
Our immediate reaction to a swelling is to try and decrease it. However, it is important to remember that inflammation is an essential part of the healing process, without inflammation, infections and wounds would never heal.
Acute inflammation
An acute inflammation is one that starts rapidly and becomes severe in a short space of time. Signs and symptoms are normally only present for a few days but may persist for a few weeks in some cases.
Chronic inflammation?
This refers to long-term inflammation and can last for several months and even years. Although damaged tissue cannot heal without inflammation, chronic inflammation can eventually cause several diseases and conditions. Inflammation needs to be well managed.
Common treatments
Inflammation diet (Safest and most beneficial option)
There are several foods that can have been shown to help reduce the risk of inflammation including but not limited to:
- olive oil
- tomatoes
- nuts, such as walnuts and almonds
- leafy greens, including spinach and kale
- fatty fish, such as salmon and mackerel
- fruit, including blueberries and oranges
Avoid eating foods that aggravate inflammation, including:
- fried foods, including French fries
- white bread, pastry, and other foods that contain refined carbohydrates
- soda and sugary drinks
- red meat
- margarine and lard
While these dietary solutions do not alone hold the key to controlling inflammation, they can help prime the immune system to react in a measured way. I recommend a Paleo Diet.
Supplements to reduce inflammation
- Omega 3
- Turmeric
- Boswellia
- Pancreatic Enzymes (Bromelain, Protease, Amylase, Lipase)
- Resveratrol
- Saligesic
- Others depending on cause of the inflammation
Stop smoking and reduce alcohol
Smokers are nearly 3x as likely to get low back pain. Smoking aggravates abdominal pain, joint pain and increases pain sensitivity in general. Tobacco impairs the delivery of oxygen-rich blood to the bones and tissues. The reduced oxygen and nutrients can cause degeneration. particularly in the discs of the spine and in some cases osteoporosis.
Alcohol has show to increase inflammatory markers and induce problems with bacteria in the colon which can cause “leaky gut” which is a widespread inflammation that can lead to organ damage.
Homeopathic medications (VERY SAFE OPTION)
Homeopathic injections are a natural, treatments for conditions that cause painful inflammation. Homeopathic injections treat a variety of musculoskeletal inflammation based conditions. Many injuries respond well to this type of treatment, including soft tissue, muscles, ligaments, bursa and tendons. This treatment has no known interactions with any other drug, medication and no serious adverse reactions. This is a very safe, natural, non-painful, low cost and effective way of reducing acute or chronic inflammation and pain. An additional email will follow for more information on this topic.
Anti-inflammatory medications
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) should be taken in moderation and avoid when possible. NSAIDS may help to alleviate the pain caused by inflammation, however studies indicate they will slow the healing process and in some case may make conditions chronic. NSAIDS may prevent or reduces pain however NSAIDS have no healing effect on the source or cause of the inflammation and in some case may make the condition worse with prolonged use.
Avoid the long-term use of NSAIDs, they increase a person’s risk of gastroesophageal problems, stomach ulcers, which can result in severe, life-threatening bleeding.
NSAIDs may also worsen asthma symptoms, cause kidney and liver damage, and increase the risk of having a stroke or heart attack as well as other issues.
Cleveland Clinic recommends never taking NSAIDS over 10 days for pain unless directed by your physician. Dr. Eldredge does not recommend the use of NSAIDs over 10 days.
Corticosteroids, such as cortisol, are a class of steroid hormones that prevent a number of mechanisms involved in inflammation.
Corticosteroids maybe an option for a reduction in inflammation and pain reduction, however due to the possible side effects it’s recommended to try other options first.
Common concerns with steroid injections are:
Ligaments laxity with possible tendon weakening and/or rupture
Reduced immune response
Joint infection
Nerve damage
Thinning of skin and soft tissue around the injection site
Bone loss (potential fracture or osteoporosis)
If you need help with inflammation then call us today at 801-523-2582 and lets get you on the road to felling better, today.
Information adapted from: www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/248423.php#rate-this-article